In his sermon, Elder Kok Guan speaks about the need to behold our God. It is not just about acknowledging Him as God but to see and recognise how great He is. This message reflects our BBTC’s mission statement to “share Christ as we mature in...
Read moreJoy of the World
The very first Christmas detailed in Luke 2:8-20 is a stark contrast to how we view Christmas today. However, “Christ” remains the first syllable in the word “Christmas” and people from around the world still view this...
Read moreReordering Our Lives
The year-end period is a good time to take stock of our life. In this sermon, Elder Lok shares practical life hacks for reviewing and reordering our lives. We start at the dwelling place of the Lord so as to remember that it is about pleasing...
Read moreSermons by Ps David Wong Kim
Many a time, people tend to think that God only comes to us and manifests His presence when we wait on Him through spiritual worship and prayer. However, our God does not passively wait for us to prove our value before He manifests His presence...
Read morePerilous Times
DSP Chua exhorts us to share the gospel boldly during this season as we are living in perilous times where there is corruption of truths being exchanged for myths and wrong teachings. The importance of sharing God’s word is highlighted in 2...
Read moreUncommon, Unlikely & Unrecognized Heroes (Judges 4-5)
Ps Lawrence Chua shared about 3 Uncommon, Unlikely and Unrecognized Heroes found in Judges 4-5 of the Bible and how we can emulate the qualities of these heroes and learn from them to become heroes as well. PPT Notes Download...
Read moreAre You Ready?
In this hostile world where the Christian faith is constantly being put to the test (e.g. persecution, discrimination, bullying), it might be tempting for us to lie low and keep to ourselves, blend in and allow the secular world to change us, or...
Read moreGive Of What You Have!
How often have we found ourselves in a position of being unable to give unto others? In the Book of Acts, when the crippled man asked John and Peter for money, Peter responded by saying: “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give...
Read moreArise to Serve and Shine
SP Daniel Foo encouraged the church to respond to the call to arise to serve and shine. Matthew 5:14-16 says, “You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket...
Read moreAnointed Works of Faith
Anointed works of faith is the final pillar in this teaching series, “7 pillars of a healthy church”. What are these anointed works? DSP recaps SP’s explanation of “works of faith”, which can include sharing the gospel, healing the sick, bringing...
Read moreAnointed Body-Life and Ministries
The world we live in today sends the message that we need to look into good investments – putting our money in places that grant higher returns, finding jobs that help us gain more income, or even doing things that place us in better social...
Read moreAnointed Leaders
What sets an anointed leader apart from a leader? An anointed leader need not necessarily be found only in church, but could also refer to individuals in the various spheres of influences, be it in the homes, marketplace or society. Only in true...
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