Righteousness is about having right standing with God, right believing and right living. Every disciple is to be a priest and king. SP Daniel Foo concludes the final part of the ‘Priests & Kings’ series driving home the point that being an...
Read moreSpeak to Your Mountain
Speak to Your Mountain! Application #1 – Relational Evangelism Application #2 – Resist the devil Application #3 – Rebuke sickness and diseases Application #4 – Take authority over the environment of our situations PPT...
Read morePriests and Kings – Part 5
In the sermon, SP Daniel Foo elaborated on how to engage in effective spiritual warfare by mapping the boundaries of spiritual authority in prayer. As part of the sermon series of being effective Priests and Kings, we were taught to pray...
Read morePriests & Kings (Part 4)
In the final instalment of this 4 part series on being a Priest & King, SP Daniel Foo shares how heal, cast out demons and take spiritual authority. PPT Handout...
Read morePriests and Kings (Part 3)
In the third part of his series, SP shared about the two keys that the Lord has given to us in sharing the Gospel with the “lost” (i.e. pre-believers and Christians who have backslidden). PPT Notes Handout Visual...
Read morePriests & Kings (Part 2)
Senior Pastor reminds us that the Lord has called all His disciples to carry out priestly and kingly functions. This truth is found in the gospel according to Mark: “Then He appointed twelve, that they might be with Him and that He might send...
Read morePriests & Kings (Part 1)
Senior Pastor began by sharing the scriptural basis for the Priests and Kings sermon series – “Then He appointed twelve, that they might be with Him and that He might send them out to preach, and to have power to heal sicknesses and to cast out...
Read moreGive Of What You Have!
How often have we found ourselves in a position of being unable to give unto others? In the Book of Acts, when the crippled man asked John and Peter for money, Peter responded by saying: “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give...
Read moreArise to Serve and Shine
SP Daniel Foo encouraged the church to respond to the call to arise to serve and shine. Matthew 5:14-16 says, “You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket...
Read moreAnointed Works of Faith
Anointed works of faith is the final pillar in this teaching series, “7 pillars of a healthy church”. What are these anointed works? DSP recaps SP’s explanation of “works of faith”, which can include sharing the gospel, healing the sick, bringing...
Read moreAnointed Body-Life and Ministries
The world we live in today sends the message that we need to look into good investments – putting our money in places that grant higher returns, finding jobs that help us gain more income, or even doing things that place us in better social...
Read moreAnointed Leaders
What sets an anointed leader apart from a leader? An anointed leader need not necessarily be found only in church, but could also refer to individuals in the various spheres of influences, be it in the homes, marketplace or society. Only in true...
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