Chin Siat Mui 陈雪梅
Volunteer Pastor 义务牧师
Praise the Lord for the opportunity to receive training in three theological schools graduating in 1968, 1974, and 1979. Soon after BBTC began worship services, she was involved in starting the Mothers’ Group. This met the needs of many mothers who brought their children to Sunday School. Most of the non-believers then accepted Christ. From 1988-1996, Mellow Green (Senior Citizens) was her ministry, involving Bible studies, applications from Sunday sermons and outdoor activities. She has had the privilege of serving with Mandarin Worship since 1997 and is very grateful to continue serving God & His kingdom’s purposes. All glory to the King of kings!
感谢神有机会在三间神学院毕业(1968, 1974, 1979). 也在两间神学院和一个基督教机构事奉了三十多年。1986年,勿洛福音堂开始英语敬拜后, 举办了一个Mothers’ Group;这班是给带孩子上主日学的母亲们有机会听福音, 其中有非信徒,多数都接受主。. 1988-1996年参与乐龄事工 – Mellow Green. 事工包括查经班, 分享主日讲员的信息,和出外活动。 1997年至今参与华语崇拜。感谢神还有机会在华语崇拜继续侍奉。荣耀全归于万王之王!