Filipino Service

Pastor in Charge
Pastor Jingle Cortes

A lawyer by profession, Ps Jingle, a Filipina, transitioned into church ministry to follow her passion for the Lord in outreach, discipleship and worship. She graduated from Singapore Bible College with a Masters in Divinity in 2004 and a Doctorate in Ministry in Singapore Bible College in 2019. She and husband Jonathan are blessed with two children, Joseph and Janene.

The Great Commission is the fuel of BBTC Filipino Congregation. An eclectic group of families, professionals, domestic helpers, BBTC Fil is focused on making disciples who are effective priests and kings. All that BBTC Fil does emanates from this focus. We are passionate about transforming our Filipino friends and loved ones one person at a time as we lovingly train, equip and disciple them toward a radical discipleship to Jesus. The ultimate goal is to make Christ-like disciples who make effective disciples.

We adhere to the 7 pillars of BBTC of BBTC of Anointed Worship, Anointed Body Life, Anointed Word, Anointed Altar, Anointed Works of Faith, Anointed Ministries, Anointed Leadership.

Over the years, God has developed the following ministries for the edification of His Body and the expansion of His kingdom:

  1. Cell Group – This is the Body Life of BBTC Filipino where leaders are developed, needs are met and prayer support is strong.
  2. Worship and Music – We always welcome committed musicians, singers, worship leaders who only desire to serve out of the overflow of God’s gift.
  3. Audio Visual and Multi-media – We have a small team of volunteer professionals who are the behind-the-scene servants responsible for our live streaming and great sound.
  4. Prayer Care Counselling – In BBTC Filipino, a service is not complete without an altar call. The prayer care counsellors minister to all those who respond to the message after the service.
  5. Ushering – When you experience a smile in BBTC Filipino, it starts with the welcoming team of warm hearts.
  6. House of Prayer (HOP) – When we work, we work. When we pray, God works. HOP meets every week to pray for the ministry and the Body Life of BBTC Filipino. It is responsible in harnessing the corporate prayer life of BBTC Filipino. There is a also a daily HOP spread out among CGs.
  7. Epaphras Intercessors – A small eclectic group of ladies committed to going deep in intercession through the leading of the Holy Spirit, meet weekly. Intercession is varied as the Spirit leads.
  8. Restoring the Foundation (RTF)– RTF is a ministry of the Holy Spirit which is issue-based. Breakthroughs from the past is a hallmark of this ministry. Those who go through this are enabled to break forward in freedom.
  9. Intentional Discipleship Training and Equipping– IDTE is the discipleship track of BBTC Filipino as shown below:
    IDTE is part of the Discipleship Process of BBTC Filipino as shown below. Its acronym is DOC for Discipleship Outreach and Care.
  10. Kitchen Ministry – The kitchen ministry is a huge ministry of BBTC Filipino which has scaled down in operations since the pandemic. Once we open, we are back to fellowshipping over lunch!
  11. Overcomers’ Dance Ministry – Filipinos love to sing and dance. In BBTC Filipino this is made full use when the ministry gathers to sing and dance unto the Lord.

Come! Be a part of us. Welcome to BBTC Filipino – your community, your family in Singapore!

For more information, please call 66450700.

Our Address

300 Bedok North Avenue 3, Singapore 469717