Join a Cell Group

Looking to make BBTC your home church?

1) Transfer of membership
If you are already a member of another church and wish to transfer membership, you would need to write to your church informing them of your intention. Do note that the transfer of membership is not in immediate effect if you are not attending a cell group here in BBTC.

New visitors are encouraged to settle into a cell group first for 6 months before considering a transfer of membership. This is to ensure that you will not be left alone in the church, but are comfortably settled in and adjusting well to BBTC.

2) What if I am not in a cell group yet? Can I still apply to be a member of BBTC?
Visitors who are not already in a cell will have your membership application placed on hold till you have been in a cell group for 6 months.

New visitors can call up church at 6645-0700 or visit the Newcomers Booth (located at the back of the Sanctuary, Level 3) after services for more information.

Visitors are also welcome to attend our Newcomers Fellowship, which happens twice a year. This is a great opportunity for you to hear from our Senior Pastor and church leaders about the vision and mission of our church, our services and programmes.

3) Body-life
Body-life refers to the members of the church, where we recognise that we are first members in the body of Christ, connected to Christ Jesus, who is the Head of the body. Being part of a cell group would mean that you are plugged into the Body-life of the church.

Members get to participate in various equipping tracks, seminars, ministries and a host of programmes meant to help nurture and equip you for service and for works of faith.

To join a cell group, you may connect with us via

4) Contact us
For enquiries, write to [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you!

Our Address

300 Bedok North Avenue 3, Singapore 469717