On 8 September 2012, my husband and I went to Lagoon Food Centre (at East Coast Park) for dinner. There was an elderly couple moving from table to table, requesting for people to buy tissue paper packets from them. The husband, who was visually impaired, was holding on to his wife’s arm as he hobbled on behind her.
My husband, who was busy playing games on the iPhone had initially politely declined but a split second later remembered that God has called us to be a blessing to those around us (recalling the message Dr Rick Seaward preached on 26 August 2012 on being “Destined to Bless”). He then took out a $100 bill from his wallet and requested that I go and give it to the couple. How many times do we actually come across a $100 bill, anyway! The orange note was so big in all senses of the word. By then the elderly couple was already a few tables away and was headed in a direction away from us. I quickly weaved through the crowds and caught hold of the elderly lady, and pressed the bill into her palm. I told her that God loves her and God blessed her and her husband, and that she could keep the rest of the tissue paper packets to sell to others that evening. This was not before assuring her the note was real, of course! I think she was too stunned to reply me coherently and kept repeating after me and said “God bless you too!”
We had the rest of our dinner in much peace and joy, knowing we had been vessels of blessings for the Lord. But what God had in store for us next was totally beyond us.
Two weeks later on 23 September 2012, just before Sunday service began, a couple suddenly came up to my husband, pressed an ang pow into his hands, and told him to take me out for a nice dinner. We didn’t open the red packet immediately but when we finally did, we discovered that there were two $100 bills staring back at us! Two orange notes, big in all senses of the word, neatly tucked in that ang pow, simply there to bless us! I immediately recalled the time when we ourselves gave away a bill exactly like that, and our hearts leapt for joy!
Thing is, my husband and I are expecting our first child and we all know that certain necessities that a child needs are not exactly the cheapest things in town. Yet God taught us not to be stingy with what He has blessed us with, because the God of the How Much More can bless us with even more!
And quoting what Pastor Benny Ho said two weeks ago (7 October 2012), “I keep shoving out and God keeps shoving in. The only difference is that God’s shovel is a much bigger one!”