The Lord God – Adonai Elohim appears many times in the Bible. Adonai refers to the Lord, Master, Ruler and emphasises God’s sovereignty and authority. Elohim refers to the mighty, omnipotent and powerful creator. The Lord God – Adonai Elohim speaks of:
- A personal relationship between Abram (a man) and God (Gen 15:2);
- His words as truth and He is faithful to deliver on His promises (2 Sam 7:28);
- Him as the righteous Judge who is also merciful (Ezk 18:30); and
- Him as the eternal God, outside of time and yet manifested through the Lord Jesus in His first coming, His present role and His soon second coming (Rev 1:8).
Our relationship with God involves being in a personal relationship with God with confidence to come boldly before God through the blood of Jesus as we stay in constant awe of God, being reverential before God in the fear of the Lord.