Psalm 18:19 “He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me.” The “spacious place” is a wide expanse of space that is open and free, something that the Lord wants to give to us as He delights in us. It is a place of experiencing the Lord, a place of emotional rest and a place where God will rescue us from danger (Psalm 31:8).
God brought David to the “spacious place” while he was facing tremendous challenges (Psalm 18:4). God ministered to grow David from good to great. God has placed greatness in all of us. It is not until we have lived out all that God has intended for us and have been stretched out to be all that God has purposed for us that we are at our best. What defines your life – through the lenses of the world, your eyes or the eyes of God? The Creator God, who has made and knows us, ministers to us in the “spacious place”, so that we can see through the eyes of God.