Jehovah Jireh

Jehovah Jireh

Jehovah Jireh

Seven redemptive names of God can be found in Psalm 23; “I shall not be in want” (v1) shows God as Jehovah Jireh – The LORD will provide. Jehovah Jireh was first mentioned in Genesis 22:1-14. In these verses, God called Abraham to offer his only son Isaac as a burnt offering unto Him. God then provided a ram to replace Isaac as the burnt offering when He saw Abraham’s faith and obedience to Him. Due to this encounter, Abraham called the place of sacrifice The LORD will Provide.

This account teaches us to have faith in God and trust His Word. God wants us to reign with Him and to fulfil the good works He has preordained for us to do (Romans 5:17, Ephesians 2:10). We need to understand and apply four key principles to experience Him as the LORD who provides.

by SP Daniel Foo

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